Introduction to the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis: Healthy and Dysregulated Stress Responses, Developmental Stress and Neurodegeneration (2024)

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  • Journal List
  • J Undergrad Neurosci Educ
  • v.16(2); Spring 2018
  • PMC6057754

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Introduction to the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis: Healthy and Dysregulated Stress Responses, Developmental Stress and Neurodegeneration (1)

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Catherine J. DunlaveyIntroduction to the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis: Healthy and Dysregulated Stress Responses, Developmental Stress and Neurodegeneration (2)

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Neurohormone systems, which regulate the maintenance of homeostasis and allostasis during stress, are a fundamental subject in the understanding of neuroendocrine function. One neuroendocrine system, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA), is crucial for stress management. Study of the HPA-axis illustrates a mélange of interactions between different physiological systems to ensure survival, longevity, development and homeostatic maintenance. While some stress is important for healthy development, chronic stress has pathological consequences. It is important that neuroscience students have a robust understanding of the HPA axis and a comprehension of the long-term negative physiological effects of stress. The three papers discussed here provide both an understanding and a greater context of the pervasive effects of chronic stress outside of the typical peripheral physiological responses usually discussed, such as heart and respiration rates. They clarify the effects of stress on the brain and neuroendocrine systems.

Keywords: acute stress, chronic stress, Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA), neurodegeneration, aging, neuroendocrinology

The stressful conditions one experiences during development can have significant and long-reaching effects on their ability to react and cope with environmental, physical or mental disruptions to homeostasis. The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) is the main stress response system. It is the neuroendocrine link between perceived stress and physiological reactions to stress (Breedlove and Watson, 2013). The primary function of the activated HPA axis is to release glucocorticoids that activate short-term physiological responses to stress. While some stress is necessary for salubrious development and aging, when an individual exists in a chronic state of stress their ability to cope is compromised by dysregulation of HPA-axis and other peripheral physiological functions. The acute stress response is initiated by short-term stressors and enables short-term behavioral and physiological coping mechanisms. Whereas, the effects of long-term chronic stress may manifest not only in an overall decline in fitness or immune health, but also in neurodegenerative brain disease linked to HPA-axis dysregulation (Esch et al., 2002). The three publications reviewed here provide an accessible introduction to the interplay between the HPA-axis, chronic stress and neurodegeneration. These papers emphasize the importance of understanding how stress activates the HPA-axis, the advantages of short-term activation, and the deleterious effects of long-term HPA-axis activation on neurological and immune function (especially during developmental periods). They illustrate that through feedback, acute and chronic stress can affect the ability of the HPA-axis to cope with future stress.

The first publication of note is a review by Monaghan and Spencer (2014). In this paper, they outline the immediate physiological and behavioral advantages and repercussions of acute stress and describe the pathway by which the HPA axis regulates the glucocorticoid corticosterone and its corresponding physiological effects. The review emphasizes the importance of stress related neural programming during developmental and seasonal periods, where physiological tolerances for stress may shift. Specifically, Monaghan and Spencer (2014) discuss why animals may experience shifted stress tolerances, how coping mechanisms are based on the timing and duration of stress, and the ability of the acute stress response to restore homeostasis. They also discuss how specific levels of acute or chronic stress affects an animal’s survival, and thus, acts as a selective evolutionary pressure. This review emphasizes the importance of behavioral, developmental and time dependent contexts when studying stress. The review explains that although two individuals may experience the same type of stress, it could have widely variable effects based on the developmental period and timescale in which the individual experiences the stress. When tolerances for stress change seasonally, the degree of effort required to restore homeostasis changes, and this can result in a greater allostatic load (accumulation of stressful experiences).

In a second notable research article, Spencer et al. (2008) used an innovative and novel avian model of early postnatal stress to provide the first direct evidence that postnatal stress affects glucocorticoid programming of the acute (HPA) stress response. Increased corticosterone levels were shown to exaggerate and prolong zebra finch stress responses. Spencer et al. (2008) provided a novel model preparation to explore the role of glucocorticoids in determining adult phenotypes: the zebra finch. Using a zebra finch model eliminates the complication of maternal corticosterone transfer through lactation. This approach cleverly overcomes a confounding factor associated with the previous mammalian model. Rather than modify or over manipulate the mammalian model, they establish the basis for a superior one. In doing so, they illustrate the impact of chronic stress during crucial early life development and its long-lasting consequences. This research article expands upon the first review by illustrating that the timing of stress during development can alter the HPA-axis and the ability to maintain homeostasis and day-to-day functions.

Finally, the paper of de Pablos et al. (2014) highlights the links between the HPA-axis and neurodegenerative disease influenced by chronic stress. They found that damage induced by an endotoxin in the substantia nigra was enhanced significantly in chronically stressed rats. These rats exhibited more dopaminergic neuron death than non-stressed rats because of microglial activation and upregulated inflammation. The de Pablos et al. (2014) paper builds upon the first two papers by highlighting the severe effects of chronic stress and stress response dysregulation that may predispose individuals to chronic neurodegenerative disease or exacerbate the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration. Primarily, the work of de Pablos et al. (2014) highlights the exaggerated neurodegeneration that can occur because of HPA-axis dysregulation due to chronic stress. Given the recent popularity of research into age-related brain disease and mechanical stress on the brain linked to chronic traumatic encephalopathy, this paper is very relevant.


These papers highlight the contrast between a healthy stress response and the dysregulated stress response. Importantly, this contrast points out the opposing roles that a single type of input can have on a neurological system just by varying the length of the input (i.e., length or timing of a stressful event). Often, inputs are described as only negative or only positive, but these papers show that the effect of a stressful stimulus on neuroendocrine function is time and development dependent. Overall, these papers supplement the textbook view of the HPA-axis by providing physiological context for research into the long-term effects of stress on the central nervous system.

Neuroendocrinology is a complex interdisciplinary field. These papers make the field accessible to a general undergraduate neuroscience audience. They delve into the background of stress by giving students the vocabulary with which to read and critically analyze information pertaining to the effects of chronic stress. The papers progress from the basic function of the acute stress response to dysregulation caused by chronic stress and the subsequent impacts on the health and disease progression of the aging brain. They facilitate a strong general understanding of stress and neuroendocrine function by raising key questions and providing context. Discussion about the assumptions and limitations of each study and methods may be prompted in the classroom.

As an aside, there are simple, relatively inexpensive and accessible cortisol (stress hormone) student activities that can complement these papers. For example, Bañuelos et al. (2017) have students quantify the human acute stress response through saliva tests that track hormone level increases accompanying thinking about a stressful event, for example, a pop quiz. Such a lab exercise would provide valuable and relevant context when juxtaposed with these papers.

Neurodegenerative disease is a hot topic and looking at it through neuroendocrine function is one way to frame the topic for undergraduate students. Discussion of these papers would help emphasize the greater scope and context of why researchers seek to understand small portions of a specific neural system, in this case the dysregulation of the HPA-axis following chronic stress or the effects that chronic stress may have on pathogenesis of neurodegeneration. Additionally, these papers frame investigation into the HPA-axis in different ways and illustrate the importance of critical analysis using different methods.


These three papers vary in focus and scope. Given the clarity and varied context of the texts, they are intriguing, informative and highly accessible to undergraduate neuroscience students. Typically, students would read the papers in the same order presented here. With strong emphasis placed on the first review, these papers could be a supplement or a replacement for an introduction to neuroendocrinology for college students in their junior or senior years. With heavier emphasis on the second and third papers, this trio may be used to delve deeper into long-term stress effects on neurodegenerative disease and the influence that early life stress has on development. At an advanced level (final year or masters level) these papers can promote discussion about critical analysis and evaluation of techniques and research design in small seminar-style classes. More generally, these papers may foster conversation about the development of new animal models in the study of stress and neurodegeneration. Overall, these papers represent a valuable, interesting and accessible introduction to neuroendocrine systems, specifically, the HPA-axis.


  • Bañuelos MS, Musleh A, Olson LE. Measuring salivary alpha-amylase in the undergraduate neuroscience laboratory. J Undergrad Neurosci Educ. 2017;16:A23–A27. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
  • Breedlove SM, Watson NV. Biological psychology. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc; 2013. [Google Scholar]
  • de Pablos RM, Herrera AJ, Espinosa-Oliva AM, Sarmiento M, Muñoz MF, Machado A, Venero JL. Chronic stress enhances microglia activation and exacerbates death of nigral dopaminergic neurons under conditions of inflammation. J Neuroinflammation. 2014;11:34. doi:10.1186/1742-2094-11-34. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
  • Esch T, Stefano GB, Fricchione GL, Benson H. The role of stress in neurodegenerative diseases and mental disorders. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2002;23:199–208. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
  • Monaghan P, Spencer KA. Stress and life history. Curr Biol. 2014;24:R408–R412. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
  • Spencer KA, Evans NP, Monaghan P. Postnatal stress in birds: a novel model of glucocorticoid programming of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Endocrinology. 2008;150:1931–1934. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

Articles from Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education are provided here courtesy of Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience

Introduction to the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis: Healthy and Dysregulated Stress Responses, Developmental Stress and Neurodegeneration (2024)


What is the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis dysregulation? ›

Dysregulated hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis function contributes to altered endocrine and neurobehavioral responses to acute stress. Organisms react to environmental challenges by activating a coordinated set of brain–body responses known as the stress response.

What is the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis response to stress? ›

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis involves the central nervous system and the endocrine system adjusting the balance of hormones in response to stress. Stress results in the hypothalamus stimulating the pituitary gland to release hormones that further cause the adrenal glands to release cortisol.

How do you fix the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis? ›

How can I take care of my HPA axis?
  1. Trying relaxation activities, like meditation, yoga, breathing exercises and muscle relaxation.
  2. Taking good care of your body by eating nutritious foods, exercising and getting enough sleep.
  3. Staying positive and practicing gratitude.
  4. Accepting that you can't control everything.

What is the best supplement for HPA axis dysfunction? ›

Magnesium supplementation has been shown to effectively improve sleep, metabolic function and measures of fatigue and energy in people with stress and HPA axis-related dysfunctions13-18.

How long does it take to reset the HPA axis? ›

Typically, the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis recovers after cessation of glucocorticoids, but the timing of recovery can be variable and can take anywhere from 6–12 months.

What are the symptoms of adrenal fatigue? ›

Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency include:
  • Feeling very tired.
  • Body aches.
  • Loss of appetite and weight loss.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Lightheadedness.
  • Loss of body hair.
  • A change in skin color, also called hyperpigmentation.
Apr 10, 2024

What is the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis? ›

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) is the main stress response system. It is the neuroendocrine link between perceived stress and physiological reactions to stress (Breedlove and Watson, 2013).

What does the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis control? ›

The HPA axis is a major neuroendocrine system that controls reactions to stress and regulates many body processes, including digestion, immune responses, mood and emotions, sexual activity, and energy storage and expenditure.

How do you know if you have HPA axis dysfunction? ›

HPA Axis Dysfunction Symptoms

Feeling chronically exhausted and fatigued. Feeling tired but wired. Unexplained weight gain or weight loss (weight gain may be seen around the hips and belly area) Poor quality sleep (which can include waking up feeling unrefreshed even after getting hours of sleep)

How can I fix my hypothalamus naturally? ›

Foods rich in polyphenols may help improve the functioning of the hypothalamus. Several vitamins, including vitamin C, thiamine, and vitamin B12, may also aid the functioning of the hypothalamus. The main sources of these nutrients include a variety of fruits and vegetables.

How do you fix pituitary gland imbalance? ›

Common treatment options for hypopituitarism include: Hormone replacement therapy: Hormone replacement therapy aims to restore the deficient pituitary hormone(s) to normal levels. Surgery: Pituitary adenomas can cause hypopituitarism. People who have pituitary adenomas may undergo surgery to remove the adenoma.

How can I detox my adrenal glands naturally? ›

These “building blocks” are integral in the context of your body being in a position to naturally heal your overworked adrenal glands.
  1. Eat Meal Within an Hour After Waking. ...
  2. Skip Processed Foods. ...
  3. Say No to High Impact Exercise. ...
  4. Say Yes to Fresh Air. ...
  5. Take B Vitamins. ...
  6. Get Lots of Sleep. ...
  7. Include Protein. ...
  8. No Caffeine.
Apr 20, 2021

What vitamin calms adrenaline? ›

The bottom line

Several vitamins and other supplements, including Rhodiola rosea, melatonin, vitamin D, and ashwagandha, have been linked to reduced stress symptoms. L-theanine, B-complex vitamins, and magnesium may also help increase your body's resistance to life's stressors.

Does ashwagandha help the pituitary gland? ›

Ashwagandha may help control mediators of stress, including heat shock proteins (Hsp70), cortisol, and stress-activated c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK-1). It also reduces the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, a system in your body that regulates the stress response.

What does the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis regulate? ›

A major component of the homeostatic response is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, an intricate, yet robust, neuroendocrine mechanism that mediates the effects of stressors by regulating numerous physiological processes, such as metabolism, immune responses, and the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

What are the symptoms of suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis? ›

Signs of HPA axis suppression in women are similar to symptoms in men, including depression, anxiety, sensitivity to cold, fatigue, trouble sleeping, and unexplained allergies. Post-menopause stress and HPA axis issues are often interrelated, though HPA axis suppression can affect a woman at any age.

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